DOME Process

Domed Labels 101
Durable Domed labels are an excellent method to enhance the look of your product nameplate. Polyurethane doming material is durable and UV resistant for extending outdoor applications. The polyurethane material is also extremely chemical resistant as well. Domed nameplates are printed and cut the same as other labels. The last step in the process is to add the polyurethane doming material. There is no additional tooling required and Dome nameplates can be delivered in the standard label lead time.
What is Doming?
We can elevate the appearance of a label with doming. Your brand’s logo is the first thing a customer sees. They often build relationships with you based upon how quickly they can remember or recognize your logo. When your product label has doming added, there is a layer of protection on it but there is also an emphasis on aesthetics with its “dome” shape. Three-dimensional shapes are certainly hard to forget, as they stand out more against your competition.
How does it work?
We print your nameplate or label with the typical methods of screen or digital printing. 2 mil pressure-sensitive polyester is the best base material to use. We then do a very exacting kiss of the sheet of labels to the label liner. We create the dome shape by pouring liquid polyurethane over your label. As it flows, it will reach the label’s edge and stop due to viscosity of the liquid. Eventually, this forms the dome.
Why choose doming?
Of course, there are aesthetic benefits to doming your product label. The three-dimensional look draws customers to your label effortlessly, but the magic lies beyond your domed label’s shiny coating. There are tactile benefits to doming as well, honing in on each of your customer’s senses. They also become more durable as a result of doming, ultimately allowing your brand to become unforgettable.
Our difference
This family-owned business has been operating since 1971. With more than 40 years of experience, we have truly mastered the art of label printing, creating nameplates and more. We dedicate our time to remaining innovative, constantly staying ahead of technological advancements. Currently, we are one of only five 3M Preferred Converter printing companies in the entire United States.
If you are looking to stand out from the crowd, our doming service is right for you. Your brand’s logo will speak directly to your audience, allowing them to easily recognize you from the moment they see your label. Contact Us to receive a quote for your doming project today!